Football Training Coding - SCOPES Digital Fabrication

Lesson Details

Age Ranges
Fab-Programming.1, Fab-Design.1
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Studio 5
Studio 5
Informal educator
In line with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s Digital Youth Strategy, STUDIO 5 is mainly aimed at nurturing youth as digital learners by sharpening their 21st century learning skills, as they develop in an all-pervasive digital environment. In… Read More


On-site Workshop that aims toward introducing the technology used in sport and how it improves the sport practicing in general, Also the course will deliver some basic coding skills to develop games playable on Arcade console using block codes.


The workshop is 5 days 2 hour per session:

1- Sport Technology

2- Running Warming up

3- Training

4- Coding Penalty

5- Digital Soccer Competition

What You'll Need

These sessions will need :

1- Connected computers

2- Kitronik Arcade console

3- Presentation

The Instructions

Day 1 (Introduction)

In this day, participants will be introduced to sports and how technology improved the way sport are being practiced and performed, in order to introduce them to coding and code some marvelous games. ​

1- The session will start by a quick introduction for the whole workshop as what we are going to do and what we will learn through the five days.


2- Then we will ice break with the student.

3- Then we will ask them about the world cup tournament.

4- Then we will keep asking the participant in order to have them fully focused with us.

5- Then we will start with what sport is and its types.

6- Then we will briefly go through technology.

  • We will make sure the participant is the one who define technology from what they understand.
  • Most participant will insist that technology is the new items we have that need Electrical power to operate.
  • We will try to simply define technology as anything would make the human been life easy and efficient.

7- Then we will mention how technology is being merged with sport.

8- We will explain how technology has also effect on the athlete by rising their performance and enhance their practicing.

9- Then we will try to link sport and digital games.