IoT Health – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Age Ranges *
Fab Tools *
Fab-Safety.1, Fab-Programming.1, Fab-Electronics.1, Fab-Modeling.1, Fab-Fabrication.1, Fab-Design.1


Moath Momani
Moath Momani
K-12 teacher
I am a passionate educational technology engineer experienced in developing computer training materials and teaching how to use computer applications, machines, and cutting edge technologies. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in August 2016, then I started my… Read More


In this session, students will go through the engineering design process to design and build a heartbeat monitoring system using Arduino IDE and IoT

At the end of the lesson students will use an application on their smartphones called Blynk, to receive the heart beats data from their IoT health devices that they made through the internet.

What You'll Need

  1. Laptops .
  2. Arduino uno.
  3. Heart beats sensor (pulse or Gravity).
  4. LDR – Light Dependent resistor
  5. LCD screens with I2C module.
  6. Jumpers.
  7. Projector of big screen to present the presentation.


The Instructions

Starting the Engineering design process

Before engaging with the students with the lesson plan it is a good chance to introduce yourself and ask the participants to introduce themselves and then engage the student with ice-breaking activity. The first step of the EDP is to Identify the Problem/Need. We will distribute letters to the kids and give them time to go through the letters to identify the problem or the challenge from what they have read.

Example of the letter:

“Sara’s father has a heart condition that needs to be monitored regularly. Sara has purchased a heart rate measurement device, but he needs a way to see the device’s readings while he’s at work.

Your task is to develop an affordable, easy way for Sara to track her father’s heart beats in from anywhere.”

After the students read the letter you need to ask them how to help Sara? listen to their answers some of students will say by a device using internet, so the goal here is to introduce the way to send the heart beats through internet for kids.






Define the IoT meaning for kids Discuss with students the concept of IoT and the best technology to solve the challenge. Give the simplest example for kids – how to make objects connected to IoT, for Ex control lighting system in your home by your phone, turn things on and off.

IoT (Internet of Things) 

is a system of interrelated computing devices that are provided with the ability to transfer data over a network such as an internet without requiring human interaction and usually used to control things through the internet.   

Some IoT Applications

1. mention some application of IoT 2. Tell the participant the story of Bob and how IoT saves his life 3. Make a formative assessment for kids ask them to rate how much they understand the meaning of IoT. 4. Engage students with a discussion about the function of the IoT health device that we are going to make.

1.     Smart home

2.     Smart City : Wide variety of use cases, from traffic management, to waste management

3.     Connected car : Google, Microsoft, and Apple have all announced connected car platforms

4.     Wearable :




IoT Health Device components

introduce for the students what are the components of the device

Micro controller

introduce the micro controller



A microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals.



Introduce the sensors for them, Tell them about the human senses and how we get the signals from our world (our cells will sense the signal from our world and send it to our brain). The same in computer, sensors and input devices send the signals to the computer.

Humans have a multitude of sensors. Sight (vision), hearing, taste, smell, and touch are the five traditionally recognized senses.



A sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from the physical environment such as heat, humidity, smoke Etc. 


Building the IOT device

describe the process of building the IoT device

Arduino IDE

introduce Arduino ide

The Arduino Software (IDE) allows you to write programs and upload them to your board. 

Arduino IDE is the same of other ordinary software’s.

Button number 1 is to check if the Arduino code is true or false.

Button number 2 is to upload the Arduino code to the Arduino.

Button number 3 is to make a new file.

Button number 4 is to open Arduino code from the computer.

Button number 5 is to save the Arduino code to the computer.

Button number 6 is to open serial monitor.

Button number 7 is the tab of Arduino code.

Button number 8 is the workspace of the Arduino code.


ask students to Install the app