Neuro-Electronic - SCOPES Digital Fabrication

Lesson Details

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Fab-Programming.2, Fab-Electronics.2, Fab-Safety.3
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Studio 5
Studio 5
Informal educator
In line with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s Digital Youth Strategy, STUDIO 5 is mainly aimed at nurturing youth as digital learners by sharpening their 21st century learning skills, as they develop in an all-pervasive digital environment. In… Read More


On-site Workshop aims toward building the knowledge of Neuroscience and how thoughts are formed in order to build a prototype able to read the signals coming out from the brain to the muscles.

The workshop are going to be delivered in 3 days:

Day 1 –> Solder small component

Day 2 –> Solder Big component

Day 3 –> Test The board



What You'll Need

This workshop will need :

1- DIY Muscle SpikerSheild.

2- Solder Station

3- Solder Wire

4- Presentation

5- LCD Code

6- LED Code


The Instructions


This section, will introduce the participant to the Neuroscience and the formation of thoughts.

1- We will motivate the participant to straighten up their mind in a way to find how we can think and imagine.

2- We will share together our opinion about a quote.


  • Most of the participant will try to reflect their imagination on their life and how real their imagination.

2- Then we will ask them how we are imagining these things.


  • Most of them will start saying things about their dreams, and they need to sleep to imagine.
  • Our Imagination works as a link between what’s in our mind and reality, mostly it’s a way of linking ideas with what we see, smell, taste, and touch.

3- Then we will ask how these thoughts are formed.


  • Most of the participant will say it’s in our brain.

4- Thoughts are a chemical release in the brain, which generate an electrical signal in the neurons, This signal will propagate like a wave to thousands of neurons.

5- Explain the neurons as an information messenger uses electrical pulses and chemical signals.

6- Then we will describe the human brain as a complex organ weight up to 3 pounds and are formed out of water and fats.