Digital Qatari Textile - SCOPES Digital Fabrication

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Fab-Programming.1, Fab-Electronics.2, Fab-Design.2
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Studio 5
Studio 5
Informal educator
In line with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s Digital Youth Strategy, STUDIO 5 is mainly aimed at nurturing youth as digital learners by sharpening their 21st century learning skills, as they develop in an all-pervasive digital environment. In… Read More


Online unplugged session presenting the tradition wearing of the Qatari people, In order to present the wearable technology to relate it to the tradition wearing and how it could modify the dresses of people.


What You'll Need

As a free unplugged session every thing is provided below:


The Instructions


In this section we will introduce the participant to the session, and we will introduce them to the tradition wearing in Qatar State.

1- We will start by an Ice-Breaking Questions “What is meant by Tradition dress”, Most of the participant will keep saying that its what people wear, and it’s the way we recognize and identify a group of people.

2- Then we will define what is the tradition dress as an ensemble of garment and jewellery that is worn by an identifiable group of people.

3- Then we will go through the tradition of dress of men and then women in the State of Qatar.

4- Men In Qatar wear a Thebe which is a long white robe covers the whole body from the wrist to the ankles.

5- For women they wear Abaya which is a flowing robe that covers the whole body, and it always comes with long sleeves to cover the arms.

6- Then we will be asking the participant regarding their opinion about the dress if it’s really affected by the climate and the land forms

7- Most of the participant will agree with this.

8- Then we will present wearable to the participant as devices worn with comfort.

9- Then we will show a video shows what is wearable devices.

Video Link 

What we will do in the session

In this section we will introduce the participant to what we are going to do today, and we will introduce them to the component we will be using.

1- We will make a wearable circuit today using Tinker-CAD platform, and we will be using Micro-Bit board, and RGB LED’s.

2- We will introduce them to the component we will be using during the making process, and we will discuss each component individually.

3- Micro-Bit board is a small development board that contain input and output modules, it also contains 25 LED, speaker, MIC, Push buttons, Switches, Magneto Meter, and accelerometer.

4- Then we will discuss what is meant by the RGB LED which is a Pack contains 3 different colour LED (Red, Green, Blue), that combine the colours together to hue more than 16 million different colour.

5- Then we will start practising on Tinker-CAD. 


In this section we will discuss the practice side we will do in this session.

1- We will send the participant the needed link to access Tinker-CAD we usually create a class for each session we deliver using Tinker-CAD.

2- Due to this we will ask the participant to join the class using the link we sent, and we have also to provide each participant with a Neck-Name to join the class.

3- This is the first page they will see when they access tinker-cad after they enter their nick-name.

4- We will have to ask them to go to circuits and then press on to create a new circuit.

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