Cycling Signal – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Age Ranges
Fab-Safety.1, Fab-Programming.1, Fab-Electronics.1
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Studio 5
Studio 5
Informal educator
In line with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s Digital Youth Strategy, STUDIO 5 is mainly aimed at nurturing youth as digital learners by sharpening their 21st century learning skills, as they develop in an all-pervasive digital environment. In… Read More


Online Unplugged lesson plan showing the wearable technology used by cyclist for safety, we will also introduce participant to the ways of building such technology using microcontrollers.

What You'll Need

Free Online Lesson needs the following materials and platform:



The Instructions


We will be introducing the participant to what we will do in the session, Also, we will break the ice in between to encourage them to interact.

1- We will start by an ice breaking question:

“What do you think about cycling safety”


  • Most of the participant will mention the precaution we have to wear like helmet, and reflective suit at night, also they will mention the rules of cycling.


2- Then we will mention the cycling as a general definition for them.


3- After that we will discuss the safety meaning and the advantages of making safety as a first priority.

4- Then we will mention the new technology equipment’s that have been used lately in the field of cycling.

What we will be doing today

In this section we will show the participant what we will do today as reflection for the reality of equipment's and applications we have in reality.

1- We will be making a circuit for a signal indicator for cyclist applications.

2- We will show also the video that shows the application we want to build.


Video Link


3- Then we will ask the participant about if they have built a prototype before to know their background in design and coding.



In this step we will discuss the hardware we need to build this circuit, and we will show them some samples of this hardware.

1- We will show the full list of hardware we need to build this circuit.


2- Then we will start discussing each hardware a side.

3- We will start by discussing the Microcontroller as the main module that is going to control the whole circuit.

4- Then we will discuss the RGB LED’s, as device emits light which work by combining the three colours to hue more than 16 million of colour.

5- Then we will briefly explain the push button.