Islami filter - SCOPES Digital Fabrication

Lesson Details

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Fab-Programming.1, Fab-Design.1
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Studio 5
Studio 5
Informal educator
In line with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s Digital Youth Strategy, STUDIO 5 is mainly aimed at nurturing youth as digital learners by sharpening their 21st century learning skills, as they develop in an all-pervasive digital environment. In… Read More


Online lesson plan, Introduce innovation and how Islam encouraged the innovators, in order to address some of the innovators of the Islamic world in the golden era of the Islam.

We will also address the unreal technologies like (VR, AR, and MR), to try distinguishing between them.

We will also introduce Spark-AR application from Facebook in order t create AR filters form both Instagram and Facebook.

This lesson plan is a track of 5 days; each day will have its own headline and deliverable.


Day 1 : Augmented Reality

Day 2 : Artificial Intelligent

Day 3 : Virtual reality

Day 4 : Special Effects

Day 5 : Shot & Share

What You'll Need

Online Unplugged lesson, all the needed content are free:

  1. Presentation
  2. Spark-AR
  3. Studio 5\6 filter


The Instructions

Day 1 (Introduction)

In this day we will briefly introduce the track to the participant and also we will ice break with them in order to have their attention and introduce them to the first deliverable of the first day.

1- We usually start with introducing the participant to our fabrication laboratory and encourage them to follow us on all of our social media accounts in order to be updated with the latest sessions.


2- Then we will introduce the participant to the track and what we are going to deliver in the 5 days.

3- Then we will break the Ice with the participant by asking about the Islamic Art and what is the most used in the Islamic Art.

Islam and Innovation

In this section we will introduce the participant to Islam and how Islam Encouraged Innovators at the the golden era.

1- We will start by introducing Islam to the Participant, “As Islam Is an Abrahamic religion which aims to fully submission to Allah (God) as one has no partner”.

2- Then we will introduce how Islam encouraged innovation as any act of working, thinking, and any action will cause life on earth is considered to be part of the religion and it’s a worship.

3- Then we will introduce one of the innovators in Islam, Which is Ibn AL-Haytham; who was a pioneering scientific thinker who has his observation of light if entering to a dark room, had made a major breakthrough in understanding the light and sight.


4- Then we will introduce the participant to the Camera Obscure which Ibn Al-Haytham has invented, which had put the first stone for the camera we are using these days.

5- Then we will show the participant a quick video regarding Ibn Al-haytham.

Video Link

6- Then we will talk about the Islamic art as visual arts produced from the seventh century by both Muslims and non-Muslims.

7- Then we will show a video shows some Arts in the Islamic era

Video Link

8- Then we will ask the participant about if they have seen any Islamic art previously or if they have some in their homes.


What we will be doing today

In this section we will introduce the participant to what we are going to do today.

1- We will introduce the participant to Spark-AR and how to download it.

2- Spark-AR application is a tool from Facebook that allow people to create AR (Augmented Reality) effects to be shared on Facebook and on Instagram.

** how to download the application step-by-step.

–         At the beginning we need to go to

–         Then we need to go to the download page.

–         Finally, we need to press download to start the downloading of the installer.

3- Then we need to install the application on the PC, so we follow the following steps:

–         We will open the installer we downloaded.

–         Then we need to click next, and then we have to accept the terms.