In this workshop, participants are going to learn about storytelling using scratch, scratch combines creativity and block coding empowering the participants with the needed skills to create their experience of the past two days and represent it as an animated story that has multiple scenes and conversations between characters of their choice.
1- Who are we and what we do in Studio 56.
2- Which zone we will be in today.
3- Introduce the Client letter of the workshop.
4- What is Storytelling?
•Show a video that explains what is storytelling.
•Discuss with the participants the video and the definition of storytelling.
5- What is the importance of storytelling?
•Show a video that explains the importance of storytelling.
•Discuss the importance of storytelling with the participants.
6- Open Question: Tell us a story you like.
•Give a participant 1-2 min to tell us a story they like.