Training AI expressions – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Subjects *
Age Ranges *
Additional Contributors


Moath Momani
Moath Momani
K-12 teacher
I am a passionate educational technology engineer experienced in developing computer training materials and teaching how to use computer applications, machines, and cutting edge technologies. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in August 2016, then I started my… Read More


This lesson is derived from MIT personal image classifier and it has been adjusted to be given online.


In this lesson participant will be introduced to the basics of machine learning, then they will train an AI model using web based tool to classify their emotional expressions ( Ex: Sad, Surprised and Happy)

What You'll Need

participants will need the following:

1- Laptops (they will use the laptop’s camera).

2- Internet connection.

3- Zoom or MS Teams

Lesson Materials

The Instructions

introduction to Microsoft Teams or Zoom - 3 minutes

Introduce participants on how to share their screens, raise their hands to ask questions, and use the chat.

Ice-breaker - 3 minutes

Ice Breaking Activity As you are teaching new participants, start to interact with them, and break the ice so they won't feel shy and focus on the lesson.