In this session, participants will get introduced to TinkerCad software to create and customize 3D Bow tie.
Participants will learn the fundamentals of 3D printing and Cura software to prepare their 3D models of the bow tie for 3D printing.
This lesson has been build based on project/ problem based learning, that's mean that the kids will have a problem and they need to solve it in a practical way by making their own projects. In the beginning of the lesson introduce a problem to them, and ask them about the possible solutions. I recommend to mention something related to the sustainable development goals - SDG- if it possible such as topics related to health, education, climate change, food, etc... Note: I recomment to iclude ice breaking activity within the introduction.
Introduce some examples of 3d printed or laser cut projects related to fashion
Explain about the process of digital manufacturing Design >>> Machining >>> Final product.
explain what is 3D design which is a 3d representation of any object or surface in a 3D space and introduce tinkercad software. explain the basics of tinkercad software and ask participants to follow you step by step inorder do design a bow tie.