Create your own website – SCOPES-DF

Lesson Details

Age Ranges*
Additional Contributors


Sarah Boussaa
Sarah Boussaa
Informal educator
Sarah Boussaa, an Edu-Tech engineer assistant in Studio 56 Fablab, Computer science graduate, passionate about teaching Technology and Digital fabrication to the coming generations, love outdoor activities with family and friends. Read More


During this session, participants will learn how to use the Google Sites website building platform to create a simple website. They will use some commands to edit and add some images, texts, colors, maps, and hyperlinks to their website. Note that this session can be conducted on-site or on-line, and it has been tested on both.

What You'll Need



-Internet connection.


-Google Sites platform.

The Instructions


Participants will be briefed about what we will be covering in this session. Introducing some general web design concepts.

1- Who we are and what we do in Studio56.

2- What is inside a Fablab (tools, machines, and zones).

3- Introduce the client letter (the purpose of the workshop).

4- What is the meaning of a website.

5- Different types of websites. 

6- What we have to build today.

7- What is the meaning of Web design. 

8- Which platform/software are we going to use.

Building the website

Participants will build their own websites using Google Sites platform with the assistance of the instructor.

1- Sign in to Google Sites using your google account.

2- Add a new site from the theme β€œEvent”, since the website we’ll be building is about the Qatar 2022 world cup event. 

3- Introduction on the platform’s structure and user-interface.

4- Delete the extra pages from the β€œPages” tap and keep the β€œHome” page only.

5- Select the theme of the website from the β€œThemes” tap.

6- Edit the title text, size, and font.

7- Change the background picture of the website to one related to the topic (Qatar 2020).

  • Search for an appropriate picture and download it. 

8- Remove unnecessary sections based on what you’ll be adding.

9- Add the stadium.

  • Add a picture component and select the image of the stadiums.
  • Add a text component with some details about the stadium under the picture. 
  • Add a map component and select the location of the map. 
  • for pictures and details, please visit this website:

10- Repeat Step 9 to add a minimum of 2 stadiums. 

11- Click on β€œpreview” button, review the website, and check if it is ready to be published. 

12- Click on β€œPublish” button to publish the website and get the link.


  • (Fab-Design.2): I can participate in design reviews with prepared presentation materials as well as give and receive feedback from peers.

Lesson Feedback


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