Scopes-DF is proud to present an Arabic lesson resource provided by one of our biggest community contributors, and our friends from Qatar, Studio 5!
More about the lab:
“Studio 5, an innovative Fab Lab established by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology with a mission to nurture children and young adults with technological knowledge. As a dynamic community platform, it provides cutting-edge technology and hands-on experiences, fostering problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and innovation skills. Studio 5 empowers and inspires the next generation to become visionary technology creators”.

The Lessons:
1. UPCYCLING HACKATHON هاكاثون إعادة التدوير
Where humans find it easy to throw what is not working anymore and buy new products; a lot of opportunities are missed and resources of the Earth are over consumed and sometimes abused. In this program, we made use of unwanted materials, recycled cardboards and electronic components to teach the participants about the function of each component, tools for assembling and disassembling, importance to recycle the papers and cardboards and preserve the trees. Finally, we introduced the concept of upcycling where they had to reuse the electronic components and recycled cardboards to build sustainable solutions and save the nature.
This lesson is an example of how waste can be used for educational purposes, develop tech and soft skills for youth and raise a community of innovators aware of their responsibility towards preserving the Earth for future generations.
2. INTERACTIVE LIGHTS أضواء تفاعلية
In this workshop, participants are going to learn how to create interactive lights using smart materials and a pre-programmed electrical board that has different functionalities installed in it, participants are going to use the conductive paint as a replacement of wires as well as touch and proximity sensors, the lamps that the participants are going to create are going to be fabricated using paper.
3. QATARI GAME APPLICATION تطبيق لعبة قطرية
In this 1 hour long workshop, participants will be introduced to the concept of Mobile app development and how we can use technology to connect the new generation with their past. They will also discover the Thunkable platform, design the user-interface of the application, and program the logic of it.
4. BATTERY TESTER اختبار البطارية
This is a 2 hours session where participants will build the circuit of a battery tester and learn how to program it to display the status of a battery using Arduino.
5. CAMEL RACE سباق الجمال
In this 5 day track we will introduce the sport in the Islamic heritage and how it has been developed using nowadays technology, in order to use our skills in coding to code a camel race on Arcade consoles using Microsoft coding platform.
6. INTERACTIVE NATIONAL DAY اليوم الوطني التفاعلي
On-site session aims to introduce and celebrate the national day of Qatar in a funny interactive way, Participant will also be introduced to the Micro-Bit microcontroller in order to be introduced to coding in order to code gestures on the board.
Onsite session aims towards delivering the knowledge of wearable technology in order to build an animated bracelet.
8. ISLAMI FILTER مرشح إسلامي
Online lesson plan, Introduce innovation and how Islam encouraged the innovators, in order to address some of the innovators of the Islamic world in the golden era of the Islam.
We will also address the unreal technologies like (VR, AR, and MR), to try distinguishing between them.
We will also introduce Spark-AR application from Facebook in order t create AR filters form both Instagram and Facebook.
This lesson plan is a track of 5 days; each day will have its own headline and deliverable.
9. DNA EXPLORING WITH FOLDSCOPE استكشاف الحمض النووي باستخدام فولدسكوب
In this workshop, participants are going to learn about microscopes and how they can use them to magnify their view. They will learn about concepts like magnification and resolution, then use the Foldscope kit to build their own microscope. Finally, they will use the microscope they made to view the extracted strawberry DNA sample.
10. RAPID 3D ACCESSORIES ملحقات ثلاثية الأبعاد سريعة التصميم
In this lesson, participants get an introduction to fashion and the digital manufacturing technologies that are used in relating to fabricate fashion, such as laser cutting and 3D printing.